South Korea gets in on ThetaDrop

Commemorating the launch of Samsung’s new flagship device models, the Galaxy S22 and Tablet S8 — ThetaDrop welcomes over 120,000 new users from South Korea with an exclusive drop.
As the clock struck midnight in Seoul on April 1, we got to see the unveiling of The New Galaxy Community NFT.
Samsung early adopters received a Generative S22/S8 NFT. The attributes of each NFT appear to be a phone color and then four (or less, or more?) different App style attributes.

“To celebrate the launch of the Galaxy S22, the only one NFT in the world just for you. Owning a NEW Galaxy NFT means that you will have the right to participate in member-only events for the community, present voting rights, watch exclusive content, and enter forums. You can enjoy benefits such as additional airdrops and exclusive online coupons according to theta drop usage mileage.”
Conclusion, so far…
“We plan to provide ongoing membership benefits and privileges to Galaxy customers who own a Samsung Theta commemorative NFT and look forward to building a long-term community among members.”
– Mitch Liu, CEO of Theta Labs
Secondary market sales of the Samsung NFT’s won’t be permitted until June 1, 2022. So it appears that Theta has two months to convert these S22 early adopters into fans of the platform. With a strong slew of drops on the horizon, we expect to welcome many new long-term members to the TDrop community.

[That’s a lot of TFUEL burning…]
Samsung S22
Editions | 200,000 |
Type | Generative |
Drop Date | 4/1/22 |
Mint Price | Included with purchase in S. Korea |
Floor Price | — |
Top Sale | — |