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Battle Pugs

The Kingdom Awaits

Score: 93

Rating: Underweight

“Under promise and over deliver” is the mantra of HighsGamingHub — a top streamer on and the mind behind the Battle Pug NFT’s. While every NFT project under the sun is producing the same-old road maps trying to lure in buyers — HGH keeps it a mystery. While maintaining a low profile, the hints that have been leaked point toward a project with great long-term potential.

What we know is this: Battle Pugs have been a Cinderella story on Thetadrop. Much like Theta Frogs, demand has exceeded the initial mint prices of $10 — rising up to a floor prices hovering around $50 – $80. The second edition mint price of $50 sold out instantly with containers now selling around $140.

Mitch Liu, CEO of Theta Labs stated in a AMA at the end of 2021 — nearly every project on ThetaDrop is a utility-driven project. ThetaDrop is not trying to compete with OpenSea’s business model of churning out endless .jpeg’s. Theta Labs is the curator — preferring quality over quantity. And the qulity lies within the utility and community building. With this in mind, Battle Pugs seems to be flying under the radar — specifically in it’s yet to be announced utility offerings.

Without any concrete direction of where this is all going — the Pug NFT’s have been trading on looks alone. People just seem to respond well to the Pugs. While males remain the target market for most NFT’s, these Pugs seem to appeal to everyone — it’s always a positive reaction. Battle Pugs are adorable, yet fierce.

Let’s cut to the chase — we are bullish Pugs. While the roadmap remains a mystery, HGH has big plans in the works. Expect to see a high quality P2E crypto game in the future. Is NFT staking a possibility? Not sure. Will there be decentralized governance? Not sure. More information coming soon and best to watch HGH on

Battle Pugs

TypeVarious Rarity /200 – 25
Drop Date10/21
Top Sale$8,400